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Invest In Panama Republic Real Estate?

Why Is it Safe to Invest In Panama Republic Real Estate?

Why Is it Safe to Invest In Panama Republic Real Estate? Panama is a safe country for investments. Please, read the following reasons, and feel free to ask for more information before making the first step!

First, Free American Dollar Circulations

Immediately after the separation of Panama from Colombia in 1903, the free circulation of the US dollar with the Panamanian balboa was authorized in parallel as legal tender in our nation before the Canal began its operations in 1914. For this reason, our country has become an attractive point of interest for real estate investments.

Second, The International Financial Center

Consequently, of the before point, our nation has had an International Financial Center since 1970. In addition, more than 90 banks provide real estate services to nationals and foreign residents in Panama. As a result, you could be sure to invest in properties.

Third, The Public Registry 

Also, if you want to know and verify who owns one property title, you can do it! Besides, you can search for it by yourself, without payment, and for free. Chiefly in the Registro Publico, you find the name of the property title of your interest.

The Registro Publico is a governmental office. They oversee and register property titles. Also, the Registro Publico offers the possibility to verify the property titles of the country. For this reason, another advantage for real estate investing in this country.

Fourth, Get A Permanent Resident Visa

If you think the advantages of investing in real estate in the last paragraphs are few, invest USD 300,000 in real estate assets and get a permanent resident visa.

The immigration law in Panama offers many opportunities to qualify and obtain permanent resident visas after investing in properties. Without a doubt, invest in Panama!

Fifth, Permanent Resident Visa – Panama Republic Real Estate Advantages!

For example, after arriving in our country, if you want to get a permanent residency, contact us. If you are a citizen of a friendly country, you only need to invest USD$200,000 dollars real estate investment. By investing this amount, you qualify to opt for a visa for a Permanent Residence Qualified Investor.

At the beginning of the Capac Expo Hábitat fair on September 1, 2022, the National Government decided to extend 24 months. You only need USD 300,000 real estate investment to opt for a visa like Permanent Resident Qualified Investor.

Sixth, Plus, You May Qualify For A Loan To Finance Your Dream Property!

Panamanian Banks offer the possibility to apply for a loan and finance properties for foreigners. This possibility is for residential and commercial properties. For this reason, realtors help you find the proper conditions to obtain a mortgage after you invest in the property you want to buy.

Seventh, Insurances Protect Your Investments!

Lastly, by law, all loans are covered by life and fire insurance in case the owner dies. Life insurance pays your hypothecation if you pass away. For this reason, your family and your investment are protected! 

In other words, for more information on real estate investments in our country, visit our frequently asked questions FAQ!

Eight, Be In Contact With Us!

Moreover, for specific details like tax exceptions, interest rates, Panama Republic real estate investment opportunities, and tips for selling your property in our country, please don’t dude to meet our realtors!

For These Reasons, Invest in Panama Now!

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